Morocco Fitness and Gym Industry Trends

Morocco Fitness and Gym Industry Trends

  • 09-07-2020

Morocco is a country which keeps finding new and innovative ways to lead a life different from others. The fitness industry in Morocco has become a whole different level of advanced as compared to what it was a few years ago. Currently, it generates a revenue of 80.13 million dollars per annum, this has been possible due to the piling numbers of people who buy a gym membership and opt for in house gyms, yoga and workout sessions and other outdoor activities.

The fitness trends in Morocco are adopted from the Western counterparts while others originated in the mainland. One such integral trend is Pilates, it is quite similar to yoga which is also in vogue in the country. It is a form of exercise which can be opted for beginners as well as amateurs. It strengthens the core muscles along with providing body support, people prefer to do Pilates in a group to extend their social bubble and make more of their time. 

Water Training originated from Morocco and is widely appreciated among people as an outdoor activity to stay fit and lose excess of weight. Obesity is a crisis that people across the globe face with equal hustle and trouble but the people of Morocco believe that water training including innovative machines can prove magical in weight loss and toning of body muscles. It incurs water bikes, water run and water steps. Different machines target different muscles and the movement of each helps in shaping the target area of the body. Aqualine Wellness is a studio which provides one of the best facilities for water training. They offer slippers, robe and the allowance to play your preferred playlist while training. The session is more like therapy than a workout. Similar to this, water aerobics is another emerging trend among Moroccans. It involves the basic aerobics and exercises but unlike the rest, it is performed in water. The Thrust experienced makes the body feel lighter and less force is imposed on joints. It is best practised by pregnant ladies as it is safe and helps in easy delivery. 

Meditation is practised religiously in Morocco, people believe that the first brick towards a healthier lifestyle is laid by a healthy mind. And no practice does it better than meditation. Outdoor meditation sessions are arranged for small groups as it is most effective if practised in the close vicinity of nature. Young people, as well as old aged ones, are found walking fastly on streets and lanes. It is recommended for people to practice fast running if they have clogged joints or muscles. Out of the pie, the oldies are big fans of this exercise. 

CrossFit has emerged as a groundbreaker in many countries and it seems Morocco is in awe as well. From the early 2000s to the current time, it has transformed many lifestyles and body shapes. Morocco has separate gyms which provide high muscle training, HIIT and intense body movements with the guidance of a professional coach. Gym freaks who desire abs and flexes opt for CrossFit with a blindfolded trust. 

These fitness trends in Morocco have urged the market of athleisure wear to grow by fourfold. Sweatpants and shirts have now become essentials and not options. Brands like Puma and Adidas have set their impression on people and are growing rapidly. 

Some major fitness centres in Morocco include Jardin Zoologique national, green city, La main verte and Rayd Jardin. These centres have different packages for different facilities, one can call it as diversification of services but honestly, it is a marketing strategy. Wealthy people value facilities and ease more than anything, and for them, gyms have a premium membership and personalised training. While for the rest there are group sessions and bulk training. The impact of exercises on bodies are similar and equally effective but comfort plays the priority of some people. The market for protein supplements has also emerged victorious among people. A few years back people dropped these supplements in fear of side effects but the market is again gaining pace with the introduction of organic and plant-based supplements.

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